You’ve done your due diligence and identified your market opportunity. Great! Now, you’re ready to launch your new roll-off business—and you know you want to do that as cost-effectively as possible.
And, that makes sense—any new business comes with some risk, after all.
So, it’s no surprise that entrepreneurs just like you often decide to make the initial leap with a low-cost roll-off package deal—a deal that often consists of a roll-off trailer outfitted with a battery-operated warn winch and, perhaps, five dumpsters.
Before you sign on the dotted line, however, be sure you take a moment to learn from others’ unfortunate experiences.
Not all roll-offs are built to industry-standard specs
Too often, we receive calls from thriving start-up businesses. Things are going well—small business owners are happy to report that they need to expand to meet growing demand. So, they call us wanting to purchase a roll-off trailer with more power—one that runs faster and will support more pulls in a day—or to invest in a roll-off truck.
That’s when we have to deliver the bad news.
The low-cost roll-off packages they purchased weren’t manufactured with industry-standard rails—and, to continue using the containers they already own, they’re locked into their original manufacturer’s trailers. Likewise, when they tell us they’re ready to buy a truck, we have to tell them that no one makes a truck hoist that’s compatible with the containers they already own.
Their responses are often unprintable, and the frustration—it’s very real.
“Why didn’t they tell me that when I purchased my package?” they’ll ask.
Well, it would probably kill the sale.
What options do small businesses have when they purchase low-cost roll-off packages—and they’re ready to grow?
We get that question often.
Unfortunately, those business owners only have two options:
- Stick with the original manufacturer and continue to operate with substandard equipment
- Sell their existing equipment and start over with a standard outside rail cable pull
For a new business owner who’s trying to preserve cash flow and invest wisely in the growth of their business, these aren’t the answers they want to hear.
How do you avoid this mistake?
It’s pretty simple, really.
Before you purchase any roll-off system—whether it’s one of our EZrolloff systems or another manufacturer’s—ask them to share the inside measurement for their rails.

An industry-standard roll-off system has rails set at 36-½”, while some of these low-cost package manufacturers set theirs at 42” or 48”—and that’s what keeps you locked into their system.
That’s it. One simple question that can save you a lot of heartache down the road.
Our advice to you: Purchase a quality, industry-standard roll-off set-up right from the get-go.
Not only will it last longer, but it will also give you far greater flexibility when it comes to future purchases. Want to upgrade your system to add more power? Easy. Want to save some money and purchase the used roll-off dumpsters you spotted on an industry forum? Great—you’re far more likely to be able to do that, too.
Whatever you do, don’t fall for the starter package trap.